Our faculty studies politics with many different methods, including elite interviewing, survey research, building statistical databases, mathematical modeling, digging through archives and secondary research. We try to find the right data to fit good questions.

The following list includes publications over the past two years, including manuscripts completed and accepted for publication but not yet published. (It can take a while!). It also includes fellowships, honors, and a bit on some major ongoing work. Each entry also includes a link to the professor’s website, which has more information and in some cases has links to individual papers.

Joe White, Department Chair, July 2014

Karen Beckwith, Flora Stone Mather Professor

Professor Beckwith’s research includes projects on 1) how social movements respond to loss; 2) gendered competition in party leadership contests in parliamentary democracies; and 3) patterns of women’s appointments to ministerial posts in North America and West Europe. For the latter research she was awarded the 2012 Carrie Chapman Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics. In 2013, she was honored by the Midwest Women’s Caucus for Political Science as the Outstanding Professional Scholar.

In the spring term of 2014, Professor Beckwith was the Fulbright-Scotland Visiting Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh, where she worked on her project What’s New? Institutional Transformation and Women’s Political Representation. Professor Beckwith is Lead Editor of a new series of books to be published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Studies in Gender and Politics, with Christina Wolbrecht (University of Notre Dame) and Lisa Baldez (Dartmouth College).
“All is Not Lost: The 1984-85 British Miners’ Strike and Mobilization after Defeat,” in Silences in the Study of Social Movement Outcomes, eds. Lorenzo Bozi, Marco Giugni, and Katrin Uba. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

“Interdisciplinarity and Undergraduate Teaching and Learning.” In Interdisciplinarity: Its Role in a Discipline-based Academy, eds. APSA Task Force on Interdisciplinarity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

“Gender, Class, and the Structure of Intersectionality: Working-Class Women and the Pittston Coal Strike,” Politics, Groups and Identities, 2 (1), January 2014: 17-34.

“Plotting the Path from One to the Other: Women’s Interests and Political Representation.” In Representation: The Case of Women, eds. Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon and Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 19-40.

“The Comparative Study of Women’s Movements,” In The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics, eds. Karen Celis, Johanna Kantola, Georgina Waylen, and Laurel Weldon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. 385-410.

“Review of Susan J. Carroll and Kira Sanbonmatsu, More Women Can Run: Gender and Pathways to the State Legislatures (Oxford University Press, 2013),” Political Science Quarterly, 129 (3), Fall 2014, forthcoming.

“Review of S. Laurel Weldon, When Protest Makes Policy: How Social Movements Represent Disadvantaged Groups (University of Michigan Press, 2011),” Journal of Politics, 74 (2), 2012.

Justin Buchler, Associate Professor

Professor Buchler studies Congress and legislative elections. He uses a mix of game theoretic and statistical analysis to examine broad issues of democratic theory, such as whether elections need to be close for democracy to be working well. He has completed the first draft of a new book on the link between legislators’ behavior in Congress and appeals to voters – for example, how it is possible to take extreme positions and not be punished at the polls.

“Critical Dialogue with Ben Berger on Hiring and Firing Public Officials and Attention Deficit Democracy.” Perspectives on Politics. 10(3), 2012.

“Population Equality and the Imposition of Risk on Partisan Gerrymandering,” Case Western Reserve University Law Review, 2012.

Book Review: Keena Lipsitz, Competitive Elections and the American Voter, in American Review of Politics 33 (2012-13).

Jessica F. Green, Assistant Professor

Professor Green studies the rise of private actors as regulators. Her research asks when and why private firms and NGOs serve as de facto regulators in world politics, and how that affects the existing landscape of international institutions. Substantively, she focuses on transnational environmental problems, and climate change in particular. In 2014, she published her first book, Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance. In 2012-13, she was a visiting fellow at the Institute for International Law and Justice at New York University’s School of Law. She also received a Jean Monnet Fellowship from the European University Institute in Florence.

Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance. Princeton: Princeton University Press, forthcoming 2014

“Private Regimes.” In Jean-Frederic Morin and Amandine Orsini, eds. Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance. Routledge, forthcoming 2014.

“Order out of Chaos: Public and Private Rules for Managing Carbon.” 2013. Global Environmental Politics 13(2): 1-25, 2013.

“Protecting Sovereignty, Protecting the Planet: State Delegation to International Organizations and Private Actors in Environmental Politics.” Governance 26 (3): 473–497, 2013. With Jeff Colgan.

“Innovation in market solutions to climate change: Carbon Offsets,” in Thomas Hale and David Held eds., The Handbook of Innovations in Transnational Governance. Polity Press, 2011.

Kathryn C. Lavelle, Ellen and Dixon Long Professor of World Affairs

Professor Lavelle’s research focuses on the politics of finance. Past research topics include how poor countries (particularly in Africa) are represented (or not) in international financial and trade negotiations, and the spread of stock markets in developing economies. Current and recent research has focused on the politics of the financial sector, both in the United States and international financial institutions. Legislating International Organization analyzes the relationship between the U.S. Congress and the major international financial institutions, i.e. the IMF and World Bank. Money and Banks in the American Political System focuses on financial politics in the United States.

Money and Banks in the American Political System. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

“Implementing the Volcker Rule in National and International Politics,” in Tony Porter ed., Transnational Financial Regulation After the Crisis, Routledge, 2014: 115-131.

“Banks, Banking, Regulatory Mechanisms, and the Public Interest: What’s So Different?” with Tony Porter in David Thomas and David Biette (eds.) Canada and the United States: Differences that Count, University of Toronto Press, 2014: pp. 211-229.

“American Politics, the Presidency of the World Bank, and Development Policy,” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, March 2013.

“Bailing out Capitalism.” In Special Edition of Current History on the future of capitalism (November 2013), pp. 304-310.

“Paris Club” entry in George Ritzer ed., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley 2012.

Kelly M. McMann, Associate Professor

Professor McMann does field and survey research in post-Soviet countries and relates her findings from that research to the rest of the world. She is also part of the global collaboration Varieties of Democracy, which aims to measure democracy in all countries of the world from 1900 to the present. She is the project manager for subnational government. More information about this project can be found at https://v-dem.net/

Corruption as a Last Resort: Adapting to the Market in Central Asia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, forthcoming 2014.

“Research Report. V-Dem: A New Way to View Democracy” (Staffan I. Lindberg, Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, and Jan Teorell, with David Altman, Michael Bernhard, Steven Fish, Adam Glynn, Alan Hicken, Matthew Kroenig, Kelly McMann, Pamela Paxton, Daniel Pemstein, Megan Reif, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jeffrey Staton, Eitan Tzelgov, and Yi-ting Wang,) Journal of Democracy, forthcoming.

Book Review: Edward L. Gibson, Boundary Control: Subnational Authoritarianism in Federal Democracies. In Perspectives on Politics, 11, 4 (December 2013), 1206-1208.

Peter W. Moore, Associate Professor

Professor Moore’s work focuses on political economy issues in the developing world generally, and the Middle East and North Africa specifically. He has written on business-state relations, oil politics, trade, and political economies of sub-state conflict. He is currently working on a book manuscript comparing the politics of war economies in Lebanon, Algeria, and especially Iraq; has collaborated on a forthcoming book examining issues surrounding the Arab uprisings of 2011 and the prospects for deeper political change in the region; and a shorter project analyzing political economic causes and consequences of the 2011 events. In 2010 he joined with faculty at other local universities to organize the Northeast Ohio Consortium for Middle East Studies. With support from the Social Science Research Council and other sources, NOCMES through Spring of 2014 has provided an extensive Cleveland area speaker series on New Perspectives on Muslim and Middle Eastern Societies.

Beyond the Arab Spring: Authoritarianism and Democratization in the Arab World. With Rex Brynen, Bassel F. Salloukh, and Marie-Joelle Zahar. Lynne Reiner Publishers, 2012.

“The Bread Revolutions of 2011 and the Political Economies of Transition,” Woodrow Wilson Center and United Institute of Peace, May 2013.

“The Bread Revolutions of 2011: Teaching Political Economies of the Middle East,” PS: Political Science and Politics, April 2013.

“Comment on Gordon L. Clark and Ashby Monk, “Modernity, Imitation, and Performance: Sovereign Funds in the Gulf,” Business and Politics, 15(4), 2013.

Elliot Posner, Associate Professor

Professor Posner’s current research on the politics of finance focuses on the European Union, the Transatlantic arena and the international regulatory architecture. The book he is writing with Abraham Newman (Georgetown University) revisits transnational cooperation over financial regulation during the pre-crisis decades. Professor Posner is also engaged in policy discussions about smaller company finance in Europe, a topic of his book, The Origins of Europe’s New Stock Markets (Harvard University Press, 2009). He is the recipient of a 2012 European Union Affairs Fulbright research grant and spent the 2011-12 academic year as a visiting scholar at Sciences-Po’s Centre d’études européenes in Paris and Bruegel, a Brussels-based think tank.

“European Politics: Finance,” in The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism, eds., Orfeo Fioretes, Tulia Falleti and Adam Sheingate (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

“An Experimentalist Turn in International Financial Regulatory Cooperation?” in Extending Experimentalist Governance: The European Union and Transnational Regulation, ed., Jonathan Zeitlin (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

Paul Schroeder, Visiting Assistant Professor

Professor Schroeder is particularly interested in the relationship between local or regional governments and the Chinese central government in terms of implementing central policies, and the capacity or willingness of local and regional governments to pursue public purposes, as opposed to simply enriching local interests. He is currently conducting a study of environmental protection and public health in the city of Wuhan, focusing on the pressures on and behavior of local governmental bureaucracies, and the presence or absence of mechanisms of civil society that could support pursuit of public goods. Additionally, he is interested in the how the debate for political reform in China encompasses traditional Chinese political aspects of Confucianism, Taoism, and legalism.

Laura Tartakoff, Instructor

Laura Tartakoff teaches courses on constitutional law, constitutions, and Latin American politics. Her research and creative work include comparative constitutions and leadership, the roles of history and ideology in constitutionalism, the formation of coalitions, responses to dictatorship and democracy, and poetry. She is currently working on the role of religion in the constitutional reality of Ireland and Israel.

“Puerto Rico’s Luis Muñoz Marín: Poet, Politician, and Paradox,” Society, 2014, forthcoming.

Poems: “School of Night” and “House and School” in Arturo Rodríguez: The School of Night. New York: Island Project, 2014.

“A Passionate and Critical Realist,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing (JSP), Vol. 45, July 2014.

“Ted Mearns: Loves, Equal Protection, Liberty, and Ballads,” Case Western Reserve Law Review, Vol. 64, Issue 2, May 2014.

Book Review: “Mil Sofía,” Society, Vol. 50, No. 4, July/August 2013.

“Continuity in Change: Leftwing Coalitions in Uruguay and Chile,” Society, Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2013.

“Dal Salmo 104,″ Nuovi Salmi, I Quaderni di CNTN 28, Palermo, Ottobre 2012.

Inventario y otros poemas. Madrid, Spain, Editorial Verbum, 2012

“Religion, Nationalism, History, and Politics in Hungary’s New Constitution,” Society, Vol. 49, No. 4, July/August 2012.

Joseph White, Luxenberg Family Professor of Public Policy

My own research focuses on U.S. government budgeting, health care policy and politics, social insurance programs more generally, and comparisons of health care policies between the United States and other rich democracies. I am especially interested in how ideas become popular among credentialed experts and therefore influence policy, which apparently has little relationship to being either empirically true or popular with voters. I am also doing some work at present on the intersection between budget policy and health care policy.

“Budget-Makers and Health Care Systems.” Health Policy 112(3) October 2013, 163-71.

“Cost Control After the ACA.” Forthcoming in Public Administration Review.

“The President, Congress, and the Battle over the Budget.” Chapter 9 in James A. Thurber ed., Rivals for Power : Presidential-Congressional Relations 5th ed. Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield, 2013

“The 2010 U.S. Health Care Reform : Approaching and Avoiding How Other Countries Finance Health Care.” Health Economics, Policy and Law 8(3) : 289-315. July, 2013 ; online October 2012

“Réformes, licornes, et zombies : Quelques réflexions sur les idées en politique de santé.” In Jean de Kervasdoué ed., Carnet de Santé de la France 2012. Paris : Economica

“Obama et la réforme de l’assurance maladie. ” In Olivier Richomme and Vincent Michelot eds., Le bilan d’Obama. Paris: Presses de Sciences-Pô, 2012

Book Review of Andrew Koppelman, The Tough Luck Constitution and the Assault on Health Care Reform. In Political Science Quarterly 129 (2), Summer 2014, pp. 369-371.

Book review of Theodore R. Marmoor and Rudolf Klein, Politics, Health and Health Care: Selected Essays. In Health Affairs 32(10), October 2013, p.1852.

Updated July 2014