Thanks to generous gifts over several years, this program offers funded opportunities for Political Science majors to assist faculty members with their research.

Past Projects


Faculty Member


Searched for relevant news reports of environmental mobilization in East Liverpool, Ohio.

Karen Beckwith

Art Martinez

Assisted in the creation of a database of articles selected for their right wing punditry.

Matthew Hodgetts

Sachin Rao

Helped prepare a paper for the International Studies Association annual meeting that will be part of an edited volume.

Kathryn Lavelle

Celia Ngompe Mbiegue

Helped with chapter on globalization and the European Union in Oxford University Press textbook on the European Political Economy.

Elliot Posner

Ussaid Ishaq

Girma Parris

Anne Castagnero


Faculty Member


Helped with chapter on globalization and the European Union in Oxford University Press textbook on the European Political Economy.

Elliot Posner

Ussaid Ishaq

Girma Parris

Anne Castagnero

Research on party leadership races in Britain; research on gender parity cabinets in Europe.

Karen Beckwith

Ashley Hawkins

Democracy’s Tangible Benefits – Research on the impact of regime type on epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic outcomes.

Kelly McMann

AJ Curcio

Rori Holm

Luke Koski

Ani Raghuvir

Ongoing climate change denial database upkeep and additional research on climate change denial.

Matthew Hodgetts

Grace Johnson


Faculty Member


Helped start new project (“Stranded in Ohio: Bankruptcies, Bailouts and Buyouts of Coal and Nuclear Power Plants”) on the politics of decarbonizing the electricity grid.

Elliot Posner

Dylan Jewell

Research on party leadership races in Britain; research on gender parity cabinets in Europe.

Karen Beckwith

Ashley Hawkins

Research on party leadership races in Germany.

Karen Beckwith

Cameron Tong

Research on party leadership races in Norway.

Karen Beckwith

Enya Eettickal

Victoria Lai

Research on party leadership races in Sweden.

Karen Beckwith

Savannah Gazda

Research on the impact of regime type on epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic outcomes and research on post-Soviet corruption. “Bringing About Democracy Without Increasing Corruption: Lessons from Post-Soviet States” Program on New Approaches to Research and Security in Eurasia Policy Memo, January 2022,’

Kelly McMann

Faheem Ali

Democracy’s Tangible Benefits – Research on the impact of regime type on epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic outcomes. “Democratic Regimes and Epidemic Deaths,” (Kelly M. McMann and Daniel Tisch) Varieties of Democracy Institute: Working Paper No. 126. August 2021.

Kelly McMann

Jordan Reif

Extending Democratic Rights and Institutions – Research on subnational influences on democratic transition and consolidation.

Kelly McMann

Mamadi Jallow

Digital Speech and the Value of Free Expression: Why is COVID-19 Misinformation Different Than Climate Change?

Matthew Hodgetts

Grace Johnson


Faculty Member


Project on gender parity and cabinet reshuffles in France and Spain; published as Karen Beckwith and Susan Franceschet, “Gendering Cabinet  Reshuffles in France and Spain,”Government & Opposition, 2022, 1-22, doi:10.1017/gov.2022.31.

Karen Beckwith

Jackson Rudoff

Regulating Climate Speech on the Digital Frontier

Matthew Hodgetts

Jackson Rudoff

Helped start new project (“Stranded in Ohio: Bankruptcies, Bailouts and Buyouts of Coal and Nuclear Power Plants”) on the politics of decarbonizing the electricity grid.

Elliot Posner

Dylan Jewell

Democracy’s Tangible Benefits – Research on the impact of regime type on epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic outcomes. “Democratic Regimes and Epidemic Deaths,” (Kelly M. McMann and Daniel Tisch) Varieties of Democracy Institute: Working Paper No. 126. August 2021.

Kelly McMann

Jordan Reif

Extending Democratic Rights and Institutions – Research on subnational influences on democratic transition and consolidation.

Kelly McMann

Mamadi Jallow


Faculty Member


Project on U.S. cabinet formation and media reporting.

Karen Beckwith

Gillian Prater-Lee

Research on digital forms of climate change denial.

Matthew Hodgetts

Jackson Rudoff

Research on media coverage of the Federal Budget.

Joe White

Jacob Natowicz


Faculty Member


Project on the gendered process of cabinet formation in seven democracies; published as Claire Annesley, Karen Beckwith, and Susan Franceschet, Cabinets, Ministers, and Gender (Oxford University Press, 2019); and project on party systems change.

Karen Beckwith

David McGrath

Voluntary Disruptions; Stranded in Ohio – Research on the politics of international soft law; research on the politics of electric utilities.Research on regional buy-in on Second Nature climate pledges.

Matthew Hodgetts

Jackson Rudoff

Research on the politics of international soft law for Voluntary Disruptions (Oxford University Press, 2018).

Elliot Posner

Sruthi Venkatachalam

Extending Democratic Rights and Institutions – Research for book project on subnational influences on democratic transition and consolidation. Also produced multiple conference papers.

Kelly McMann

Mark Patteson

Research on public opinion in regard to federal budget issues.

Joe White

Timothy O’Shea


Faculty Member


Research on the politics of international soft law for Voluntary Disruptions (Oxford University Press, 2018).

Elliot Posner

Sruthi Venkatachalam

Project on the gendered process of cabinet formation in seven democracies; published as Claire Annesley, Karen Beckwith, and Susan  Franceschet, Cabinets, Ministers, and Gender (Oxford University Press, 2019).

Karen Beckwith

Rita Maricocchi


Faculty Member


What happened to EU Multilateralism? – Research on the EU as a global actor in the area of financial regulation

Elliot Posner

Spencer Kiesel

Project on the gendered process of cabinet formation in seven democracies; published as Claire Annesley, Karen Beckwith, and Susan Franceschet, Cabinets, Ministers, and Gender (Oxford University Press, 2019).

Karen Beckwith

Kirstin Costedio

Olivia Ortega

Extending Democratic Rights and Institutions – Research on the impact of subnational election quality on national election quality in foreign countries

Kelly McMann

Mark Patteson

Article for the Journal of Development Studies

Pete Moore

Tasha Jhangiani