The Department of Political Science is hosting a number of events during this year’s Homecoming and Reunion Celebration. Click the link above to browse and register for events. We hope to see you there!

Welcome to the Department of Political Science of Case Western Reserve University.

It’s hard to think of a better time to be studying politics. Our courses explore political behavior, institutions of government, elections, international relations, political economy, policymaking, protest and revolution, among other topics. They cover politics of the United States and other countries and of regional and global interactions, and our faculty introduce students to a range of methods and approaches that include elite interviewing, survey research, field and archival investigation, game theory, small-n comparison, statistical analysis, and AI-driven techniques.

Political science degrees and courses build foundations for many types of future employment and continued education, and we support our students with internship, research and other career-preparation opportunities.

Current and prospective students are welcome to receive the Department’s weekly newsletter and read the archived ones.


A Tribute to Paul Schroeder, Popular Colleague, Teacher and Politics of China Specialist

Popular political science department member passes away at 75. Memorial service for faculty emeriti Paul Schroeder is Aug. 13.

In Memoriam

We are saddened by the news of Prof. Paul Schroeder’s death. A popular teacher and respected colleague and citizen, Paul will be deeply missed. Information about an August 13 memorial service can be found here. The Department of Political Science will post more about Paul and his time at CWRU soon.

Congratulations to Kelly Mallon, who successfully defended her MA thesis

Congratulations to Kelly Mallon, who successfully defended her MA thesis titled Addressing Childhood Statelessness: The Protection and Integration of Unaccompanied Stateless Refugees. 

Aysegul Keskin Zeren Receives J. Bruce Jackson, MD, Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring

Congratulations to Aysegul Keskin Zeren, Assistant Director for Student Experience and political science adjunct assistant professor, on receiving the J. Bruce Jackson, MD, Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring.

Spring 2024 Capstone Presentations

Congratulations to the students who presented their capstone research on April 18, 2024!

The Department of Political Science presents four talks on the politics of China

The Zeal of the Outgroup: Loyalty Signaling and the Variation in Bureaucratic Compliance in Modern China Wednesday, March 20, 9:15 - 10:30 a.m., Mather House 100 Juan Qian, Instructor of Political Science, The University of Chicago Why are certain bureaucrats in China more enthusiastic than others in executing tasks assigned by the...

Department Office

Mather House 111

Scout Weber, Department Assistant

  • Email:
  • Phone: 216.368.2424
  • Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    • Scout is on a hybrid work schedule as follows:
      • Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday: On campus in Mather House 111
      • Tuesday and Friday: Working from home

Please feel free to call or communicate via email.

If you would like to notify our students of internship/job opportunities, please email

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