Mitchell Diles, Shivani Parikh, Hannah Steele, Beth Vitale, Silvana Zapata-Ramirez
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Mitchell Diles, Shivani Parikh, Hannah Steele, Beth Vitale, Silvana Zapata-Ramirez
Dr. Beckwith has made outstanding contributions to scholarship in a range of areas including social movements, mass political participation, parties and elections, women and politics, and comparative politics.
As the financial crisis of 2008 led to foreclosures, job losses and shrinking retirement funds, political scientists and economists argued over whom to blame. Noticing how even the experts disagreed prompted Case Western Reserve University political scientist Kathryn Lavelle to write a new primer, Money and Banks in the American Political System (Cambridge University Press), that explains how politics and the U.S. financial system interact.
We are pleased to welcome a new faculty member to campus. Mark Major will be with us this year as Visiting Instructor specializing in American Politics. In the Fall he will teach a section of POSC109, The American Political System, as well as POSC321, News Media and Politics. In the Spring he will teach POSC109 again, as well as POSC308, The Presidency.
Our colleague, Associate Professor Alexander P. Lamis, passed away on February 9. To honor and remember him, we have organized a special edition of the “Friday Lunch” on October 26, 2012.
Zachary Arace, Alexander Avdakov, Ellen Kubit, Derek Reinbold, Abigail Whisler, Irina Yakubenko