January 16, 2017 Newsletter

We begin a New Year in the United States with a change of government.  Our outgoing President Barack Obama said his farewells to the country in a speech in Chicago on Tuesday.  Yesterday, in his final time as President, Barack Obama awarded Vice President Joe Biden the Presidential Medal...

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April 3, 2017 Newsletter

Fall Term course registration begins April 10, and many of our POSC majors and minors have already consulted their advisors about their fall schedules.  Those who have not yet done so should make an appointment with their advisor to discuss their courses and their course trajectory as they move...

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April 10, 2017 Newsletter

As many of you know, I’m currently attending the Midwest Political Science Association meetings in Chicago.  I’m presenting a paper tomorrow afternoon, attending an editorial board meeting of the journal Politics, Groups, and Identities, meeting with scholars interested in publishing work in Cambridge Studies in Gender and Politics, and...

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May 8, 2017 Newsletter

With classes concluded and final coursework and exams under way, the Department of Political Science has much to celebrate already.  We can end the semester and the academic year with good news and more to anticipate in 2017-18.   Congratulations to the Wellman Hill Public Service Internship winners.  The...

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May 1, 2017 Newsletter

Ambassador Wendy Sherman was the featured speaker last night, at the CWRU Center for International Affairs Achievement Dinner.  Ambassador Sherman served as Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State and North Korea Policy Coordinator in the Department of State in the Clinton administration, and as Undersecretary of...

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April 24, 2017 Newsletter

Meet and Greet with Ambassador Wendy Sherman.  The Department of Political Science, in partnership with the Center for International Affairs, is sponsoring a “meet and greet” for political science students with Ambassador Wendy Sherman, on Thursday, April 27, from 2:00-3:00pm, in the Linsalata Alumni Center Boardroom.  Ambassador Sherman was...

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